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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still here!

Things are still rolling in the Cooper household. Specifically, Carson is rolling pretty much wherever he wants to go. And thus begins the "put whatever I can grab into my mouth" stage. (Since our mothers read this, I don't think I'll mention the magnet, cheeto, and ornament that all came close). Yikes. I know, you don't need to tell me that those would all be BAD ideas. I know! Carson has figured out how to scoot wherever he wants to on the hardwoods in his exersaucer - - including to the front entry to dig in the diaper bag (to pull out whatever's on top), and to the fridge to grab what he can (you can imagine). Last night Craig declared him a crawler, but it was really a one-legged knee-push. His tummy never left the floor, but it was quite effective. I'm sure crawling is just around the corner. He's also quite a talented jumper in his Johnny-jump-up. I'll try to get a little video up soon.

Emily and Abby acted as photographer's assistants for me a couple of weeks ago (until they started melting down and tumbling on the furniture)...

Here are a couple of good shots we got:

(one of my assistants)


  1. Look at those beautiful blues!! What a doll.

    Can't wait to chat on the phone tomorrow!

  2. Great photos. I am making Shane a quilt with the same fabric.
