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Sunday, June 14, 2009

12 Months +

Am I allowed to say that Carson is just past 12 months? Or do I have to concede that he's one? Why is it that the youngest seems to grow up too fast, while the oldest could hardly get to new phases soon enough? Now they're all just growing up too fast.

Abby recentlly informed me that although I had a birthday, since I'm an adult I don't get a new age. According to her, I have stopped growing now, so the numbers also stop increasing. Perfect!

Here's our sweet One Year Old Baby on his birthday! (YES - he's still a baby. I'll let you know if/when that changes.)


  1. What a doll! Oh I can't believe your baby is "just over 12 months!" Those blue eyes are so striking!

  2. Happy Birthday Carson! Christine, I'm with you...where did the last year go? And how in the world are our babies ONE? Maybe we should revert to telling their age in weeks... ha ha ha!
    What an adorable little baby boy he is!
