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Sunday, December 21, 2008

And since we've no place to go...

Of course there are places we could go, and places I'm sure we would go... But it is really nice to be forced to just stay put for a couple of days. For the record, we are completely in favor of the mandatory slow-down caused by snow in the PNW. Forget education. Forget productivity. Cancel whatever was supposed to be happening. Life is so much more than work and errands! The snow brings such unexpected, unusual beauty. (Aside from if you're on the roads trying to get somewhere when it all starts). If I blog again in a few days and the title is, "Going stir crazy," then you'll know we've had our fill. But in the meantime, we're giddy for snowdays!

Chillin' on the deck

Sledding with neighbor kids in the cul de sac

Eating snow is a priority activity in our family.

Em and Daddy

Abby buried in snow

Our mini snowman on his day of creation - Fri. Dec. 19

Emily says, "We need some WET snow. Not this dry stuff!" Some day when she's a fabulous skier, she'll realize how wrong it is to wish for wet snow.)

The mini snow-man this morning (Sunday Dec. 21). I regret to report he was buried in fresh snow, and has since been beheaded and entombed in pieces.

Gone for the winter already

1 comment:

  1. hooray for snow days, but yikes when it comes to our business ... But again I say hoo-ray, but this time for the dozens and dozens of wrist fractures that occur due to slip-and-falls that will fill patient schedule in six to eight weeks.
