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Friday, December 19, 2008

Sleep Quotes

If you're in the last few months of pregnancy (or can remember them), or the first few months of parenting a new baby, you might be able to relate to our recent conversation around sleep quotes.

Quote: Sleep is so overrated.
Response: Wrong.

Quote: Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep.
Response: Right. Got it. I promise, I won't.

Quote: Early to bed, early to rise, makes you healthy, wealthy, & wise (or: 'till you make enough money to do otherwise).
Response: is not the point here. SLEEP is.

Quote: You've made your bed, now you'll have to lie in it.
Response: Really? I must? Okay, but how long can I stay there?


  1. oh! i am sooooooo living right there!!!!

  2. You left out the ever famous, "slept like a baby." Not like any baby of mine!
