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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A day in the life

Alright, so these pics span a little more than one day... perhaps 2 weeks. And a very busy couple of weeks they have been! Here's a snapshot of life as a 9-month-old:

I'm Crawling!

I'm pulling up to standing...

... in many new places!

I'm chewing on things (gotta give my 2 new teeth a workout).

I love to jump and swing!

Did I mention I'm crawling to investigate new places?

...and learning persistence!

I got baptized:
on March 1st, my Grandma
Priscilla (McCarson) Cooper's Birthday!


  1. He is getting so big! I love this stage - crawling and pulling to standing. So fun!

    I miss you (as always!)...

  2. Oh my goodness...look at him GO! I love the video of the johnny-jump-up. That's exactly how Luke used to jump. What a precious little boy you have. Miss you guys.
