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Sunday, March 8, 2009




  1. And SHE is growing up before our eyes! Isn't that a FUN new thing!!

  2. AWESOME! And, what a great street you live on for learning to ride a bike!

  3. That is so exciting! I feel like Sophia is so far from that, but I know it will surprise me when it comes! She did that so effortlessly...was that after hours of you running behind the bike holding the seat and her yelling "DON'T LET GO MOM!!!!!"

  4. No! I have been telling her she's ready for a couple of weeks, but I couldn't get the bolts off the training wheels myself. Then Sunday while I was putting Carson down, she comes running in and says, "Mom, Dad took my training wheels off and I can do it!" She was on her own from the get-go. Sunday she practiced straight-aways and worked on starting and stopping (that was the video - one of her first times starting alone). Monday she biked while it was snowing (and Abby and I watched bundled up in the garage), practicing more turns and more starts and stops. Today she is going everywhere, completely starting non-chalantly, willy-nilly wherever, and stopping on a dime. I am amazed at the progress.
