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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

No Assembly Required...

Our new toy arrived via special delivery by the very kind man from whom we bought it. He and Craig used his backhoe to lift the playset onto his snowmobile trailer and
bring it to our cul-de-sac.

When can we climb on it, Daddy?

Some of the Hazen football players and two kind staff members lent their muscles (and brains) to orchestrate the move from the front yard to the back yard. Craig's dad was also part of the moving team. On one side of the house, the playset wouldn't fit between the gutters of our home and our neighbor's, but on the other side, they were able to fit between the houses, go over the gate, over the fence, and past the deck. Whew!

Craig assembling the swing set (okay, I guess there was some assembly required)...
Abby testing out the rock wall.


  1. Christine,

    I bet your kids would love Bill Peet's "Randy's Dandy Lions." We loved CappyBoppa! I also read Bill Peet's autobiography this year - that's great fun, too. (For you. Your kids are too little for that.)

    Chris Little

  2. Wowsers! What a project!! But such fun, and right before the summer really kicks off. That will makes for a wonderful season this year (and many years to come!).
