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Friday, November 14, 2008

If the pajamas fit, wear 'em

So we bought these snowman pjs for Carson to wear at Christmas. But I'm afraid they won't fit by then, so he's wearing them now. Tonight was their debut. Apparently Carter's sizing label of "6 month" actually means, "put your child into these clothes before they turn this age, or he'll never wear them."

These 3 pics of Carson were all taken this evening. Oh, and can you locate the place on Craig's head where 5 stitches were just removed? (Blast that kitchen cupboard!)


  1. how cute is he!

    I have a 0-3 month valentine's shirt that this new baby will wear before Christmas, I figure.

  2. Look what I stumbled upon! I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could find are CUTE as ever! I will definitely be keeping up on you guys thru the blog - do you mind if I post a link to yours on mine? Hope to see you soon!! -Keri
