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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Making wreaths

Over the weekend we visited the Washington Arboretum. We were there near dusk, so didn't have as much time as we wanted, but nonetheless were treated to a beautiful array of colors and shapes. Because a breeze picked up while we were there, the sound of falling leaves was an added bonus to our quick arboretum adventure. The girls had a great time gathering leaves for some not-yet-determined art project.

Then, on Monday while we were dinking around here getting ready for kindergarten, the idea struck to make leaf wreaths. We grabbed some cardboard from the recycle bin, cut out our frisbee shapes (per Emily) and hot-glued leaves all over. Despite one brush with a baby's unforgiving grip (it's tricky being the foreman for art projects with a baby riding in a front-pack!), they turned out pretty cute.


  1. You are VERY brave to tackle crafts with an infant in tow. It's a good thing you have motivated girls. Nothing worse than being the only one interested in the project.

  2. Oh, and the blog looks super cute!
