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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The things we hear

I jotted down a few things that our girls have said lately because they just struck me as cute. Hope you get a kick out of them, too.

While running an errand in the van yesterday, Abby came out of her usual peaceful silence (it's sometimes hard for her to get a word in edgewise) to state, "Some people call me Abby, but my real name is Lightning McQueen." Then she proceeded to insist that we refer to her as Lightning for much of the day. (Yes, we saw the movie - or I should say, the first 15 minutes of the movie, a week ago or so.)

While we were using the electric stand mixer to beat frosting (which had to be mixed for 7 minutes) on Tuesday, Abby said (in a loud voice so as to rise above the mixer), "Mom, that mixer is so loud, it's yelling at me!"

Then, at dinner last night, Emily said the blessing: "Dear Lord, Thank you for this day. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my huge imagination. Thank you for this food. And thank you for everything in my whole life. Amen."